Chrissy Costill
2015 tings

2015 tings
Photographed in Toronto (2016)
Kirsten not bein naked.
4 days and 3 nights in the middle of nowhere with some of my favorites.
Balcony snaps at the old appartment.
Shannon photographed on Kentmere 100 on the Leica M2 at the beach in 2015.
Yashica 635 with Ektar 100 and Tmax400
Three stills shot on a Yashica 635.
Photographed during a Philadelphia Philly's game while the streets were kinda empty.
The second time around.
Some photos I took while Kelly was shooting Liv.
Went back to the area in Vermont that I was living at this whole past winter. Was magical to see and feel everything in a warmer season. Spent the weekend camping, swimming, hiking, and shooting (guns and cameras).
Hannah, Amber, Carmine, Myself
Photographs made in her hallway (2016)